Monday, February 19, 2007

WAR IS OVER! If you want it

Another 2 U.S. soldiers died today, and another 15 were wounded. Support our troops by bringing them home. I'm not for an immediate withdrawal, but I am for deadlines. All U.S. soldiers should be home by December 2008. Critics of withdrawal deadlines argue that such talk only emboldens the enemies. Might deadlines also encourage the Iraqi government to step up? Just something for the withdrawal critics to think about. The world doesn't function properly without deadlines.

Controlling terrorism is a matter of law enforcement, not military power. The solution to a stable Iraq is not more war, it's more diplomacy. Unfortunately, the U.S. government has created a difficult world for the Iraqi government and its neighbors to negotiate. Granted, Saddam Hussein was an evil dictator, but can supporters of the war really say Iraq is better off today with hundreds of Iraqis dying every day and thousands fleeing every month? Since when did America become the democracy police? Last time I checked Saudi Arabia was a monarchy and 19 of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudis. So, when are we going to bring shock and awe and democracy to Saudi Arabia?

The withdrawal should take place as follows:
June 2007 reduce current levels to 125,000
December 2007 reduce levels to 100,000
March 2008 reduce levels to 75,000
June 2008 reduce levels to 50,000
September 2008 reduce levels to 25,000
December 2008 all troops home

At each stage of the withdrawal, the U.S. government should encourage and participate in diplomacy. This should include direct diplomatic relations with Iran. This is just one of many plans for ending U.S. involvement in Iraq. What's your plan?

Please watch short clip: How This Must End

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