Monday, August 11, 2008

It's Wesley Clark?

Here were my top 5 predictions for Democratic VP in June:
1. John Edwards
2. Wesley Clark
3. Tim Kaine
4. Jim Webb
5. Hillary Clinton

Since Edwards has disqualified himself due to Clintonesque behaviors, Wesley Clark steps into first place as my top prediction for Democratic VP. It makes a lot of sense when you consider the recent events involving Russia and Georgia in addition to a possible air strike of Iran by Israeli forces. In the post-9/11 world, events are becoming even more complicated, and Wesley Clark would certainly help Obama appear as though he is "ready to lead" militarily.

My Predictions:
Obama-Clark '08 for the Democrats
McCain-Romney '08 for the Repbublicans


Political Realm said...

I wouldn't be opposed to this ticket, though Clark was something of a dud on the trail in 04.

Anonymous said...

It better be clark. Biden and Bayh both voted for the war. Sebelius would piss off Clinton supporters, and Kaine turned Warner's surplus into a deficit.

So Clark it is.

Anonymous said...

As of today (Wed. Aug. 20), the buzz has it that Biden's the one. That's credible for a bunch of reasons, but only Obama knows for sure.

During the primaries, Biden was my first choice untile he bowed out. If he gets the V.P. slot, I'll be happy.

That said, I like Clark a lot and he, too, would make a fine president if something were to happen to Obama. I thought the general handled himself very well in '04, considering it was his first run for political office and his funding was modest. I'm sure he learned a lot in the attempt.