Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Three Scenarios and One Prediction

Scenario #1: Some Democrats have been talking about an Obama landslide (375+ electoral votes). I seriously doubt that will happen. In my opinion, the best Obama can expect to do is 338 to 200.
Click the link below for map:

Scenario #2: The consensus is that McCain is unlikely to win the election. Nonetheless, McCain's path to victory might look something like this: McCain 273 Obama 265.
Click link below for map:

Scenario #3: The final possibility is a worst case scenario for the American people. One that involves settling the winner by means of the US House of Representatives as dictated by the 12th Amendment.
Click the link below for map:

My prediction: Obama 291 (52% popular vote) McCain 247 (47%).
Obama's path to victory has always been hold Kerry states + Iowa, New Mexico, and Colorado. I believe he also picks up Nevada and Virginia. This election always has been and still is a close race. In the end, Obama wins by a margin of victory similar to Bush in 2004.


LET'S TALK said...

I've read this post over and over since I started back to bloging. I closed down my other two site and now I wish I had kelp Let's Talk God.

Anyway, as I said this post has made me think of the rules and games that are played every year by Republican.

We have machines that flip and Obama and his people are not sending any attorneys out to question, watch over or demand that those machines be removed.

Then there is the voter purging six swing states.

So Obama and his attorneys had better wake up before we are faced with another Bush type of election again.

Then I am most likely wrong, that is why I was hesitated to comment.

Thomas said...

Let's Talk,
Your point is well taken, and Obama and company should have people ready. Nonetheless, McCain's win (scenario #2) involves three states going for McCain that Obama currently leads in by 7% points (NH, VA, and CO). Taking one state by suspicious means is one thing, but taking three is outright scandalous. If that really happens, I suspect the people will hit the streets in force.

LET'S TALK said...

Thomas, I hope there's no need for anyone to hit the streets.